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Is Your Child Texting About The Yankees?

It's every parent's worst nightmare. You're cleaning their room, you open their drawer and much to your dismay *gasp* there's a Yankees Jersey, or even worse, an Alex Rodriguez Yankees jersey. Where did you go wrong as a parent? Maybe they got it from a friend at school, you tell yourself. Maybe it was that shady guy down the street in the Joba Chamberlain shirsey. Wherever they got it from, they're in for a stern talking to when they get home. This sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Are you worried that your teenage son or daughter may secretly be a Yankees fan? Here's what your Yankees obsessed teen's text messages actually mean

BRB: Babe Ruth Bombs

SMH: Steinbrenner's Money Hookup

SJW: Sweet Judge Walk-off

GTFO: Good Times Fan Only

TFW: Twenty-seven Fall-classic Wins

BTW: Buy Those Wins

ILY: I Love Yankees

SRSLY: Started Rooting Sometime Last Year

420: Yankees win 4 to 0

POS: Pitching Outstanding Severino

STFU: Switching Team Fandom Unapologetically

DTF: Don't Trade Frazier

PDA: Pinstripes Distract All

BYOB: Betances You're One Bad-ass

TBH: Totally Bandwagon Hopping

THX 4 BJ: Totally Hard Times For Blue Jays

YOLO: Yankees Only Lose Occasionally

IMO: Is Masahiro Overrated?

IASMWAUFAABBAMBSAILTKMOB: I'm Stupid Moron With An Ugly Face And A Big Butt And My Butt Smells A I Like To Kiss My Own Butt

Being a Yankees fan can have serious consequences such as bandwagon jumping, championship entitlement, or being Fred Durst. If you don't talk to your kids about being a Yankees fan, their friends will and by then it's too late. Do something now, or before you know it, your child will be telling you Derek Jeter was a great fielder because he won 5 Gold Gloves. By then it's too late.

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